How to Become a DEA Agent in Henderson, Nevada by Meeting Requirements

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has its resident office posted in Las Vegas, but still monitors drug activity in Henderson as well. While drugs like cocaine and crystal meth are more prevalent in Las Vegas, Henderson has a higher than average incidence of prescription drug abuse when compared with Las Vegas. In fact, Henderson experiences high-rates of thefts from pharmacies because of the rising rates of prescription drug abuse and addiction in the area. While Henderson may be a more affluent area, the outskirts of the city still see high rates of marijuana and cocaine use, and the city experiences plenty of drug trafficking through the city boundaries on the way to Las Vegas, and even further west into Los Angeles.

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DEA Operations in Henderson

Major drug busts in the Henderson area include the following:

  • June 2011: A pharmacy in Henderson was broken into and thousands of dollars worth of painkillers like Vicodin and Oxycontin were stolen. Officials were not surprised, as prescription drug abuse has become a major problem in the city, especially among 18 to 25 year olds.
  • May 2012: Nevada’s largest drug bust in history occurred in Henderson, Nevada. A Las Vegas drug kingpin owned a warehouse in Henderson where he stored 2,600 hundred pounds of marijuana worth an estimated $8.5 million on the street. The drug kingpin’s empire stretched from Mexico to Canada and included all of Nevada and he even had operations in New York state.

DEA Jobs in the Henderson District Office

When an applicant is considering how to become a DEA in Henderson by meeting requirements, they must also meet one of the following sets of criteria in order to become a DEA agent:

  • Must have a bachelor’s degree with at least a 2.95 grade point average, or have an LL.B Degree or J.D. (no grade point average requirement)
  • Must have extensive specialized experience in narcotics investigations, which includes making arrests, doing surveillance, gathering intelligence and testifying in a court of law
  • Must have bachelor’s degree and at least three years experience in maritime operations, pilot operations, technical and mechanical work (Information Technology, etc,) military leadership and operations, fluency in a  foreign language (Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, etc.,) or accounting and auditing processes in combination with a Bachelor’s Degree (no grade point average requirement)

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