Author Archives: Dr. Helga George

About Dr. Helga George

Dr. George has spent several years writing about higher education, healthcare and psychology. She transitioned to a career in writing after fulfilling her lifelong dream of performing research on plant defense chemicals. She earned a BS in Agriculture from Cornell University, an MS in Plant Pathology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Cornell University. Helga also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California Santa Barbara where she obtained a USDA grant to fund her research.

Increase in Colorado Grow Houses Concerns the DEA

Grow houses in Colorado are fast becoming a major concern according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). According to a report published by the Washington Post in June, hundreds of residential homes have become grow houses since marijuana was legalized …

DEA May Change Position on Marijuana In 2016

Marijuana has long been regarded by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a Schedule 1 drug, which sits on the same level as heroin and LSD. According to the DEA, a Schedule 1 drug is one that has high potential for …

DEA Approves Medical Marijuana Trials for PTSD Veterans

War veterans tormented with the effects of possttaumatic stress disorder (PSTD) may soon gain access to medical marijuana as a legal treatment option. On April 21, 2016 the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) submitted a press release announcing the …