How to Become a DEA Agent in Del Rio, Texas by Meeting Requirements

The town of Del Rio, Texas may only have a total population of 35,718, according to the 2010 United State Census Bureau, but because of the fact that it is the county seat of Val Verde County and located right smack on the Mexico border, it is a problematic area when it comes to drug trafficking from Mexico. The only border crossing from Del Rio to Mexico is across the Lake Amistad Dam International Crossing, with the Mexican city of Ciudad Acuna on the other side.

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Ciudad Acuna is a popular area that is under the control of powerful drug cartels and has been the site of many violent crimes between the cartels who are constantly battling for what little drug smuggling turf is left, as the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has boosted its efforts to stop drug trafficking across the border.

Major DEA Operations That Took Place in Del Rio in 2012

Since Del Rio is located on the Mexican border, many of the DEA jobs in the town are aimed towards helping the United States Customs and Border Protection in ending drug smuggling operations across the border. The Del Rio DEA also works with the community in terms of drug abuse education at schools and in other ways as well.

The following are some of the most recent, and most significant, drug busts in and around Del Rio:

  • April 2012: Twenty one suspects were apprehended in a drug sweep that involved suspects from all over South Texas, including some in Del Rio. The sweep included large amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine that was manufactured in Mexico and smuggled into the country through Del Rio.
  • November 2012: Two people were arrested in Del Rio in connection with drug overdoses at a Del Rio high school. The overdoses were with K2, a synthetic marijuana substance, and also Bath Salts, which are a synthetic drug and has become more popular in the last couple years amongst youth.

Del Rio DEA Hiring Process

When considering how to get DEA jobs and careers in Del Rio, there are a series of steps applicants must complete. The steps include meeting various requirements and completing an extensive training program.

In order to become a DEA agent in Del Rio, Texas, applicants must also have experience in one of the following categories:

  • Must have a bachelor’s degree with a 2.95 GPA, an LL. B. degree or a J.D.
  • Must have experience in narcotics investigations, surveillance, busts and testifying in court
  • Must have 3 years experience in piloting and maritime experience, mechanical/ technical training, foreign language fluency, accounting and auditing procedures or military operations and leadership experience – in addition to a bachelor’s degree with no minimum GPA requirement.

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